Brandon Crawford Headshot

Brandon Crawford

Brandon spent his first career in the food, wine and hospitality industry.  It was there that he learned his patience for creativity.  The passion for creating something beautiful came when he learned how a bottle of wine came from a single tiny grape in a 100 acre vineyard.  After studying under some of the most highly regarded artists in Atlanta: graphic design, photography, video editors and directors, he found another passion, which was  for entrepreneurship.

In 2015 he began studying digital marketing and business development.  He completed master courses in both.   

In 2018 he moved to California to partner with Loubier Gourment, a local BBQ sauce and Seasoning company.  In charge of the content that was being produced and the business relationships he helped develop, Loubier grew from 109 retail account to over 400.  

During Covid 19, in 2020, is when he partnered with his co-founder, Tia Mignonne.  Together they started Seismic Life Agency.  That is when the relationship between Seismic Life and The Will Morgan Group started.  “Everything happened really fast, but we created a lot more than we think in a short amount of time.  Now we just have to have the confidence to show the world what TWMG has to offer and go get it.  There will be bumps along that way but that is to be expected no matter what we do in life, business or personal. ” said Brandon